Herpes – The Facts Part1

08/12/2011 14:39


Genital Herpes is a common highly infectious disease that attacks the genital areas. The main way of transmission is through sexual contact. Genital herpes can cause blisters or small ulcers (sores) on and around the genital that happens to both men and women. If you are experiencing these symptoms talk to your doctor or healthcare provider and take a Herpes Test. Genital herpes cannot be cured however there are medications that you can take to treat outbreaks and minimize the symptoms. 
Just like any other STD (sexually transmitted disease) there may be minimal symptoms or no symptoms at all this is the reason why it is so contagious because people don’t even know that they have the infection and still continue on their unusual sexual practices. The highest rate infection is from the poor, those with less education, those who are using intravenous drugs, and people who have sexual relations with 2 or more partners. If you are one of these people it is advisable to consider taking Herpes Testing for early detection and medication.
Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HPV). There are two types: HSV-1 and HSV-2. The type that causes Genital Herpes is HSV-2. HSV-1 can cause what people call “fever blisters” in and around the mouth that can be transmitted through kissing but it can also be transmitted into your genitalia through oral sexual contact. Both sores caused by either virus look the same.
The virus is spread through direct contact with the infected person. Even skin to skin contact is capable of spreading herpes.