Herpes Testing from Urine Sample

13/06/2010 13:19

Herpes is a viral disease characterized by small painful blisters and inflammation most commonly found at the junction of skin and mucous membrane in the mouth or nose or in the genitals. Genital herpes is a common form of herpes, affecting the genital area, and characterized by painful sores around the genital area. Unlike other serious maladies, though, there are many ways to prevent sexually transmitted infections. Evidently, the most effective way to be able to prevent genital infections would be to actually abstain from sexual intercourse – to refrain from sex completely. Since genital infections are transmitted through sexual contact, then without it you would not run the risk of developing genital infections if you do not engage in sexual relations. The next best thing would be to be monogamous. Having a single sexual partner would definitely dramatically decrease your risk of contracting sexually transmissible infections. If you are a sexually active person then and you are not just about to take a vow of celibacy, then you should take necessary precautions to protect yourself from the risk of sexually transmissible disease. The use of condoms is one sound idea, not only to prevent pregnancy but to counter the risk of contracting genital infections. Not only that, but it is likewise sound to be screened for sexually transmissible infections at the earliest opportunity. Herpes testing by Post, for example, is an easy way to do it. Really no fuss at all, it does not entail any pain or further discomfort. Herpes testing form urine sample is now the best preferred way to do it.